Sunday, January 10, 2021
12:00 PM Eastern
Zoom – Free

remote work desk cat coffee

Join us for an informal session to help you get started with your search, find a new resource, or help bust through a stubborn brick wall.

When you register, you’ll be able to submit a maximum of two questions/inquiries. This way we can have a sense of topics and areas of research before the session begins, and see where there may be overlaps or duplicate questions. This will allow us to best help you while keeping the meeting organized and on schedule.



Speaker: IGRA Past President, Garri Regev

Sunday, December 20, 2020
12:00 PM Eastern
Zoom – Free


Are you looking for relatives in Israel? This prerecorded lecture is an introduction to the Israel Genealogy Research Association (IGRA) website and the All Israel Database (AID) collection.

About the All Israel Database:
This search engine currently features 1,770,881 records and was last updated on 10 October 2020.

The Israel Genealogy Research Association [IGRA] has set as one of its primary aims the preparation of databases based upon various records, mainly found in Israel, for as wide an audience as possible. The large amount of archives located in Israel dealing with communities in Israel and Jewish communities outside of Israel have records in a variety of languages but mostly in Hebrew and English. Their data comes from Archives as well as publications which are on open shelves in libraries.

They scan the materials, build databases with the pertinent information, and then link to the original scans, where archival permission has been granted. Surnames and first names will be transliterated from Hebrew to English, and vice versa, depending on the language of the original material. This will enable researchers who are not familiar with the other language to find the families they are searching for.

The collection includes records from:

  • Ottoman Administration (- 1917)
  • British Administration (1917-1948)
  • Israeli Administration (1948- )
  • Miscellaneous

This webinar was recorded by IGRA in 2016.


Please join us for a GoToWebinar-based annual meeting and election on Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Register Online:

Finding Jewish Records on the MyHeritage Search Engine
Special Guest Speaker: Daniel Horowitz, Genealogy Expert at MyHeritage

The MyHeritage search engine is delighting family history fans worldwide. Learn how this search engine works, and how it can benefit your Jewish research, covering billions of records and important repositories and databases, in a single search, finding the resources you need.

Please email Adina Lipsitz if you would like to run for a board position this year. A list of positions can be found here:

Daniel Horowitz

About the speaker:
Daniel Horowitz is the Genealogy Expert at MyHeritage, liaising with genealogy societies and media, lecturing, and attending conferences around the world. Dedicated to genealogy since 1986, he taught and edited the family history project “Searching for My Roots” in Venezuela for 15 years. Daniel is involved in several crowdsource digitization and transcription projects and holds a board level position at the Israel Genealogy Research Association (IGRA).

2020-2021 Proposed Slate

President: David Goldis
VP, Membership: Position open
VP, Programming: Position open
VP, Publicity: Adina Lipsitz
Recording Secretary: Michelle Gettelson
Corresponding Secretary: Diane Freilich
Treasurer: Neil Goldman
Past Presidents: Adina Lipsitz, John Kovacs

Committee Chairs
Librarian: Linda Bell
Editor, Generations: Position open
Cemetery Project: Marc Manson
Constitution & By-Laws: Adina Lipsitz
Slate Committee: Adina Lipsitz
Speakers Bureau: James Grey
Webmaster: Adina Lipsitz
Members-at-Large: Irwin Alpern, Leah Bisel, Joshua Goldberg, David Sloan


Screenshot of the Knowles Collection blog page

Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 10:00 AM
Holocaust Memorial Center
28123 Orchard Lake Road in Farmington Hills
Light refreshments will be served
Free; Membership dues may be paid at the door (cash, check or credit card)

In this webinar from the BYU Family History Library, Todd Knowles introduces The Knowles Collection. This records-rich resource contains census records, family histories, birth, marriage, and death records, The Judah L. Magnes Museum Collection, headstone transcriptions, synagogue records, immigration records, family pedigrees and more.

The Knowles Collection is six databases that include records of the Jewish people. The six databases are:

  • Jews of The British Isles
  • Jews of North America
  • Jews of Europe
  • Jews of South America and The Caribbean
  • Jews of Africa and the Orient.
  • Jews of the South Pacific

The great advantage of the Knowles Collection is that it links together into family groups, thousands of individual Jews (over 1,150,000 as of Jan 2015). Until now, these records were available only at the Family History Library, or from private archives or individuals.

Current totals for the Knowles Collection (as of 1 Jan 2015)

  • Africa and the Orient – 37,618 people
  • British Isles – 208,349 people
  • Europe – 380,637 people
  • North America – 489,400 people
  • South America and the Caribbean – 21,351 people
  • South Pacific Islands – 21,518

Updates about the collection, and helpful clues for research can be found at


With Past President Jim Grey

Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 10:00 AM
Holocaust Memorial Center
28123 Orchard Lake Road in Farmington Hills
Light refreshments will be served
Free for members, $5 for guests
Fees and dues may be paid at the door

This program will discuss how to get started in genealogy and family history to solve the “genealogy jigsaw puzzle.” We’ll cover a range of topics, and the discussion will be tailored as necessary depending on audience questions and background.

Expected topics to be covered:

Family Tree
  • Research using vital records (birth, marriage, death)
  • Discussion with family members
  • Research using for census records, ship records, naturalization records, etc.
  • Digitized newspapers, locally using the Detroit Jewish News Foundation, and hands-on discovery using old Detroit City Directories at the Burton Historical Collection.

Burton Historical Collection
Photo © SNWEB.ORG Photography, LLC

Sunday, December 29 at 1:00 PM
Burton Historical Collection
Detroit Public Library
5201 Woodward Avenue, Detroit

On December 15th, JGSMI Past President Marc Manson will have given a presentation introducing the audience to the Detroit City Directories at the Burton Historical Collection, which cover many of the years between 1837 and 1974.

This program will be a chance for you to apply what you learned at that event—it will be a hands-on program where you can do your own research and utilize all of the Burton’s genealogical resources (as well as those of the Detroit Public Library).

Breakfast option:
Meet for breakfast at 11:45 AM
Leo’s Coney Island
28595 Northwestern, Southfield (south of 12 Mile)

Car Pooling begins at Leo’s at 12:30 PM

If you prefer to skip breakfast and go directly to the event, the DPL opens at 1:00 PM. There is free parking in the employees’ parking lot South of the library. 

Call Jim Grey at 248-739-9070 if you are interested in breakfast and/or carpooling.

The Burton Collection’s city directories cover the following years:

  • 1837
  • 1845-1846
  • 1850-1941
  • 1953 (West side)
  • 1954 (East side)
  • 1956 (West side)
  • 1957 (East side)
  • 1958 (West side)
  • 1963 (East side)
  • 1964 (East and West side)
  • 1965 (West side)
  • 1967 (East side)
  • 1968 (East and West side)
  • 1969 (West side)
  • 1970 (East and West side)
  • 1973 (West side)
  • 1974 (East side)


Sunday, December 15 at 10:00 AM
Holocaust Memorial Center
Refreshments will be served

library bookshelves

Please join us as JGSMI Past President Marc Manson delivers an overview of the Detroit City Directories that are available at the Burton Historical Collection at the Detroit Public Library.

Two weeks later on December 29th, we will go on a field trip to the Burton so that you can apply what you’ve learned at the Collection itself.

To learn more about the Burton Collection’s genealogical resources, follow this link:

The Burton Collection’s city directories cover the following years:

  • 1837
  • 1845-1846
  • 1850-1941
  • 1953 (West side)
  • 1954 (East side)
  • 1956 (West side)
  • 1957 (East side)
  • 1958 (West side)
  • 1963 (East side)
  • 1964 (East and West side)
  • 1965 (West side)
  • 1967 (East side)
  • 1968 (East and West side)
  • 1969 (West side)
  • 1970 (East and West side)
  • 1973 (West side)
  • 1974 (East side)


Tuesday, November 12 at 4:00 PM
202 S. Thayer Street, Room 2022
Ann Arbor, MI

Speaker: Steve Weitzman, University of Pennsylvania

Genetic breakthroughs have created a newly scientific way to reveal one’s distant ancestors, and spawned a multi-billion dollar ancestry testing industry in the process. What does such research reveal about the origin of the Jews? Can it trace their ancestry all the way back to the biblical past? This presentation will survey recent efforts to use genetics to illumine the ancestry of the Jews, weighing its insights against the criticisms and fears of skeptics.

There is both an accessible elevator and gender-neutral restroom on the first and second floor. If you have a disability that requires an accommodation, contact or 734-763-9047.

Registration not required. Event page:


Sunday, November 10 at 10:00 AM
B’nai David Cemetery
9535 Van Dyke Ave, Detroit

Young adults are invited to join Jewish Family Service, NEXTGen Detroit, The Well, Repair the World and Hillel of Metro Detroit for JFS’s 23rd Annual Fall Fix Up at B’nai David Cemetery.

We’ll gather at B’nai David Cemetery at 10:00am on Sunday, November 10 to give back, clean up, and help to beautify this sacred space.

What to Expect:

  • Young adult crowd (for other activities, visit the JFS website.)
  • Breakfast provided, with service beginning at 10:30am
  • Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, and layers are recommended as we’ll be outside!
  • Water bottles are encouraged!

Please register through the link below, and contact Lindsay Leder at if you have any questions.