Field Trip to the Burton Historical Collection – City Directories
Sunday, December 29 at 1:00 PM
Burton Historical Collection
Detroit Public Library
5201 Woodward Avenue, Detroit
On December 15th, JGSMI Past President Marc Manson will have given a presentation introducing the audience to the Detroit City Directories at the Burton Historical Collection, which cover many of the years between 1837 and 1974.
This program will be a chance for you to apply what you learned at that event—it will be a hands-on program where you can do your own research and utilize all of the Burton’s genealogical resources (as well as those of the Detroit Public Library).
Breakfast option:
Meet for breakfast at 11:45 AM
Leo’s Coney Island
28595 Northwestern, Southfield (south of 12 Mile)
Car Pooling begins at Leo’s at 12:30 PM
If you prefer to skip breakfast and go directly to the event, the DPL opens at 1:00 PM. There is free parking in the employees’ parking lot South of the library.
Call Jim Grey at 248-739-9070 if you are interested in breakfast and/or carpooling.
The Burton Collection’s city directories cover the following years:
- 1837
- 1845-1846
- 1850-1941
- 1953 (West side)
- 1954 (East side)
- 1956 (West side)
- 1957 (East side)
- 1958 (West side)
- 1963 (East side)
- 1964 (East and West side)
- 1965 (West side)
- 1967 (East side)
- 1968 (East and West side)
- 1969 (West side)
- 1970 (East and West side)
- 1973 (West side)
- 1974 (East side)