Stories Among the Stones: A History of the Jewish Cemeteries of Michigan
Sunday, March 18th, 2018 at 10am
Holocaust Memorial Center
Presented by the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan
As Jews, we are commanded to care for the sick and bury our dead. That is why, in tracing the history nearly every Jewish community worldwide, the story begins with a group of Jewish men (and women) who organized a society in which to bury their loved ones. Stories from the Stones: A History of the Jewish Cemeteries of Michigan traces the history of these sacred spaces and the stories of who lies beneath. JHSM docents will travel through the state beginning in the 1800s and continues through recent history. The images and stories not only provide a fascinating exploration into Jewish burial customs but also remind us of those whose legacies helped to build and shape our community, and see how their families chose to honor them in death.